Cat Bowser has been writing stories since before she even knew how to write. Starting with simple drawings in comic book format, once the art of writing was bestowed upon her in first grade, there was no stopping her. Fanfiction, poems, short stories, long stories, novels—all she knew was that she had entire worlds stuck in her head and she needed to get them out.
When she isn’t crafting fantasy worlds, she lives in Arizona with her husband Stephen and two pint sized dogs. Outside of writing, she works as a licensed counselor as the spirit and psychology of the person is of immense interest to her. Relationships of all types—romantic, platonic, familial, she loves to explore them. You’ll find more than a sampling of it in her stories. In her off time, you can find her reading, writing fanfiction, researching mythology and languages and returning to Middle Earth again and again.
Fantasy is her life and she’s running with it.