A teenage girl stumbles out of an alley in Ottawa, concussed, with no memory of her life. On the run from sword-wielding operatives with inexplicable telepathic and telekinetic abilities, she soon discovers that she not only possesses the same abilities, but is extraordinarily skilled in martial arts.
Fleeing to Toronto to search for clues about her identity, she encounters others like her. She is given refuge at an international school for Telepaths, where she can learn to use her Abilities and stay hidden from the world of Typicals. They believe that she is from a shadowy organization that they only recently became aware of, and worry she may be a spy or an assassin and that her amnesia may be either fake or intentional.
As fragments of her childhood return, Zoe begins to suspect that she may not like who she once was—and that who she is may literally cease to exist. She soon becomes swept up in events that are thousands of years in the making, and realizes that even more important than learning who she used to be is choosing who she wants to be.
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