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Memoirs of Darkness

Good Man?

Publisher: D. B. Dale
Book type: Non Fiction
Age: Adult
Genre: Biography
Sub Genre: BDSM · Dark · Erotica · Memoir
Language: English
Spice Level:

The spice rating is in regards to the type of sexual content within the book. Below is a helpful guide (courtesy of Georgia C Leigh)

1= YA romantic, making out, MAYBE a closed door.
2= some on page foreplay and nudity but mostly fade to black.
3= open door, on page vanilla sex.
4= on page sex – hot or with kink.
5= erotica.

Memoirs of Darkness – Good Man? is a raw and honest depiction of the author’s struggles with mental wellness and internal conflicts. The writing is emotive and evocative, and the author does a fantastic job of using descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of their experiences as a real BDSM Dom with an average income, struggling with his demons and contemplating what his choices and actions make him.
D.B. Dale tackles such a difficult and personal subject with openness and vulnerability, in this adult book which describes deeply dark erotic scenes, and in-depth self-exploration. It is not a perspective that is commonly voiced, but it leads to a deeper understanding of this “lifestyle” choice for those in the subculture, and those observing from the outside.

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