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Mermaid Quay

Publisher: Quantumland Books
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Thriller
Sub Genre: Horror · Supernatural
Language: English
There is something rotten in Cardiff Bay. Can Nimue Gruffud and Hannibal Meier stop the clash between the humans and the creatures on the bottom of the sea?

There is poison in the bay. Nimue hates going to crime scenes, but there are murders to solve and she is the best pathologist South Wales Police is working with. If they want to solve this murder, they need all the help she can get, even if it means working with the secret service. When the creatures in the bay kidnap her sister in law, Nimue is prepared to do everything it takes to save her. The Gruffudd siblings are facing murders and the most dangerous mob boss Cardiff has ever seen. Can they stop David Jones before he continues his killing spree? The horrors of creatures gone astray are best visible in a beautiful scenery.

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