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Your Device 3.0: The Raven-Head Seer

Publisher: Independently Published
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Fantasy
Sub Genre: Adventure · Cozy Fantasy · Epic Fantasy
Language: English
Your host has gained something new, but will that lead to new adventures, or will it lead to new concepts of mortality beyond the powers of the beacons on Aarth?

Your Device 3.0 features even more enhanced connection capabilities, with on-the-fly portal reconciliation, recovery, and reconnection. No more worries about those pesky portals – Your Device 3.0 has got them beat! Experience new worlds right here, right now, first person, first impression, with unmatched clarity and connectivity. Be there with Your Device 3.0!

Your host has gained something new, but will that lead to new adventures, or will it lead to new concepts of mortality beyond the powers of the beacons?

Beckoned by the raven-headed lark, Blacklight, your host dared to step through the smoking archway at the rock hopper. Your Device disconnected. From that moment on, Your Device would not let you reconnect, giving you error messages and losing all functionality. Version 3.0 promises to provide enhanced connectivity with quicker connections and portal reconciliation, whatever that means. You hope to find out where your host has disappeared to, and embark on epic new quests. Perhaps even save the world from whatever comes next. It is your dream to be able to enjoy endless adventures under the beacons, which begs the question – is there an end?

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