ARC Opportunities

What is an ARC reader?

An ARC (Advanced Review Copy) reader would read and uncorrected proof (it may have typos as it’s not always a finished product) and they would be expected to write a review on it (posted to at least Amazon and Goodreads). The ARC reader is not expected to give feedback on spelling or grammar—nor should review about those uncorrected issues)

  • – These are unpaid positions. No readers are expected to be paid. 
  • – Just because you agree to be one of these readers does not mean you have to read it or review it. it is just expected. Sometimes you may read a book and dislike it and not want to finish it or give feedback. This is fine, but as a matter of courtesy, we ask that you politely inform the author if you DNF (do not finish) and give reasons why. Feedback helps. Even negative feedback. BUT BE NICE.

Please note: My Indie Bookshelf is providing this service free of charge and does not represent the authors below, nor is it responsible for any of the book’s content.

FOR AUTHORS: To submit your book ARC reading, please click on the link below.


The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick

by Megan Mary

The War On Magic

by M.S. Remington

The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick

by Megan Mary

Demon’s Edge

by Iain Benson

Until The World Ends

by Jolene Gettler


by Serra Rose

The Girl That Would Be Lost

by Brooklyn Cross

The Tale of Jackson

by Terri D. Ross