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The rules:
- No traditionally published books are allowed (Meaning none published by Harper Collins, Simon and Shuster, Penguin Random House, Hatchette, Macmillan, or any of their subsidiaries. This site is for self and indie published books ONLY! You want to see a lot of books from trad publishers? Go to the big bookstores that won’t stock self and indie published books instead.Â
- No books that are hateful will be allowed. My Indie Bookshelf is an inclusive site, and we have a ZERO tolerance policy for any bad people or books by bad people. So because of this, My Indie Bookshelf reserves the right to remove any book without notice or reason.
- No how to write fiction books are allowed. At all. Ever.Â
- No AI generated books.
It seems that out there, there are MANY indie publishers who lie to their authors, telling them that they are traditionally published. Here are some helpful pointers to let you know what your book is:
- Does your publisher pre-print all book stock and mainly sell to wholesalers, libraries and bookshops, with very little end user marketing or sales?
- Were you paid an advance on your book sales?
- Does the publisher own the publishing rights to your book forever? Or can you get them back after a certain period if you pay them for it?
- Does your publisher never use Print On Demand, or use any services like KDP, IngramSpark, or any other print on demand book service?
If the answer to all of the above is yes, then you are traditionally published. If not, then you are indie published. If your publisher follows some of the above but not all, you are still indie published, but using a hybrid publishing model.Â
Still confused? Are you published by either Penguin/Random House, Hachette, Harper Collins, Simon and Schuster and Macmillan or one of their subsidiaries? Then you are traditionally published.
Now, you may believe the definitions above are wrong, which is fine, but these are the definitions that the website goes by.Â