C.L. Brown, a father, a papa, the dog-loving, gentle giant. A constant daydreamer who supports pizza being its own food group. A Tide fan behind enemy lines in Louisiana.
An imaginative horror junky fascinated by the myths and legends of the world. He draws on them to create pulse-pounding tales with a diverse cast of characters who are every bit as dangerous as they are wondrous. Thus, he dwells in the machinations of dark urban fantasy.
The dark urban fantasy Realm Killer series features Chase Ambrose, a snarky wizard with a propensity for creating enemies with the highest of the high and lowest of the low. It’s set in an alternate, modern-day world where gods govern an alphabet agency to keep humans, normies, ignorant of the supernatural’s existence.
His Winds of Fury series, a dark urban fantasy spin-off of the Realm Killer series, features Molly Padia, known to the supernatural world as Molpadia. Molly is an ancient amazon and wind elemental, who lives in Albany, New York where she is rediscovering herself while failing to avoid supernatural mischief.
The dark urban fantasy series The Doorman serves as a companion series that exists in the Realm Killer universe. Taya Freeman is a necromancer with talent that makes her an endangered species. New to the supernatural world, she has to contend with loa, voodoo magic, and the supernatural families of New Orleans.