Harper Wolf

Harper Wolf is a British author of supernatural and fantasy novels who specialises particularly in zombies and vampires fiction. Her debut novel, ‘Outbreak Z’ is the first book of an upcoming series featuring a zombie outbreak and the lives of female protagonist Alyson Fowler and fellow survivors. Harper herself is an avid reader who loves to immerse herself in different genres and worlds. You can follow Harper Wolf on Twitter [@HarperWolfBooks], Instagram [@harperwolfbooks], Facebook [Harper Wolf], TikTok [@harpe.wolf7],  and YouTube [Harper Wolf] where you can see what she’s up to including new books, updates, Q&A’s and more. You can also check out her Pinterest board for ‘Outbreak Z,’ where she shares her inspiration, mood boards, character sketches, and fan art. You can follow her on Pinterest at [Harper Wolf] to get a glimpse into her creative mind to see what sparks her imagination.
