Holly Painter

Born and live in Yate, also spent several years living in Telford and three years in Portsmouth while at University. I studied for a Musical theatre Hons Degree, this is where I first started getting involved in writing properly. Another fact about me that my partner finds ironic is that I want to be a writer yet I am Dyslexic and have been my whole life but only diagnosed at 20 years old, just before I went to University. Some people ask me ‘ Don’t you find it hard to write while having Dyslexia?’ The answer is sometimes I might find it a little difficult but I don’t let it bother me.   While writing original scripts and adapted versions of shows for my University course I was also supporting a fellow Author here on Amazon (D.R. Cox, writes the Final Journey series) until 2020 where I became a Co-author on Final Journey Chaos Flood part one, which was realised early October. Also during 2020 I finally wrote a story I had wanted to do for years, after being involved in writing another book I finally had the confidence to write a book of my own.   ‘Last to Survive’ my debut book is about four ordinary school kids who find themselves alone in their community against in a notorious Sorcerer, with a backstabbing school teacher and a demon in the shadows Do they survive? You will have to read it to find out
