Stefanie Nici

Author Stefanie Nici is an only child. She spent her early childhood living in a remote area and passed the time by reading and watching television with her dolls. Stefanie feels this awoke an imagination that drove her desire to create her own stories. Through the years, her husband encouraged Stefanie to pursue her dreams. In 2019 she published her first novel, The Smoke Tree. The appeal readers found in the love interest of Tora and Matteo convinced Stefanie to write a follow-up. In 2020 she released The Smoke Tree: Broken Branches. Active on social media and writing groups, she noticed many writers seeking advice on how to market their books. This made Stefanie feel it was important to share what she had learned along the way. Her latest book, a first for her in nonfiction titled, “How To Find Readers For Your Book”, is her way of letting other writers know what works for her could work for them too! Her most recent title, The Wishing Stone is a contemporary romance set in Montauk on Long Island. All of her books are available with Kindle Unlimited.
