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Actually Invisible

Publisher: Independently Published
Year of Publication: 2024
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Contemporary
Sub Genre: LGBT
Language: English
POV: First-person
Tense: Past, Present
Key Phrases: coming out · don’t say gay · gay teacher accused · homophobia · lgbtq educator
“Every now and then you come across a book that just knocks your socks off. Actually Invisible by Elisa Greb did that for me. The writing is crisp and clean, flowing neatly across the page. Greb uses imagery, symbolism and metaphor with a confidence that leaves appreciative readers slightly in awe. The narrative is compelling and impactful, containing a story structure that’s built upon solid ground. In addition to that, it’s eloquently threaded with a guiding theme that’s cohesive and purposeful. Each scene is plotted and planned with sure footed intent, engaging readers and drawing them in. I imagine that this story wasn’t an easy one to write. There are time jumps and multiple sub-plots featuring several important players, yet Greb navigates the landscape with the grace of a polished writer. Using theme to strengthen the storytelling, she ties it together in a clear and understandable manner. It’s beautifully done, making the English teacher in me smile.”
– Women Using Words (Wordpress site)
What happens when visibility risks your job, your family, and your ambivalence?

Josie has felt invisible for most of her life—first as the only lesbian at her high school in the ’90s, then in a secret relationship with her closeted girlfriend, and now in a closet of her own as an English teacher at a suburban high school. Her silence is safe, stifling, and second-nature on most days and has taken a backseat to the monumental tasks of grieving her beloved father’s death and undergoing fertility treatments in her limited spare time.

…until a student comes out to her in a writing assignment, and she is thrust into a small-town spotlight. As the target of the student’s angry parents and a slew of anonymous threats, Josie must decide if it’s finally time to speak up for herself and risk her job, her family, and her ambivalence.

Spotify Playlist

This is a music playlist created by the author which they have created to reflect how they see the book, or the music they listened to whilst writing it.

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