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Beyond the Grate

Publisher: Chipola Publishing
Year of Publication: 2023
Age: Adult
Genre: Thriller
Sub Genre: Suspense
Language: English
POV: Third-person
Tense: Past
“I often felt the panic and intensity of the situation and had to stop reading to get my bearings and remind myself that it was only a book.”
– Anthony M. Harrington
Far inside a dark underwater cave someone placed a grate to keep divers out of the reaches beyond. But the grate doesn’t keep everyone out.

Joey Simmons had only recently gotten scuba certified. But he was already doing dives far more advanced than his skill level – cave diving, decompression diving, deep diving in the Gulf of Mexico in the middle of the night.
Part of this was out of his own carelessness. Part of it was because he was being manipulated.
Read what happens when Joey makes an unexpected discovery and naively tells someone he thinks he can trust, only to find himself in a position where he is forced to lie to his parents, lie to the police, and lie to the woman he has fallen in love with. All while also having to protect her from the same evil man that is controlling him.
Inspired by true events surrounding the disappearance of a scuba diver last seen at a popular Florida panhandle freshwater spring with an underwater cave.

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