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Cosmic Ghostriders Go Rampage Volume 2 Issue 1

From the Casino Moon of LB7 to mystery and danger in the Astralis Sector

Publisher: Theodoros Kostis
Year of Publication: 2023
Book type: Novel | Novelization | Novella | Series
Age: Adult
Genre: Romance
Sub Genre: Action · Adventure · Epic Fantasy · Espionage · Fantasy · Horror · Humour · Military · Romance · Romantic Comedy · Sci-Fi · Space Fantasy · Space Opera · Suspense · Thriller
Language: English
POV: Third-person
Tense: Past

In a galaxy torn by espionage and war, a disillusioned ladies’ man space marine is trained to cherish life, commit to a single girl with the help of some peculiar uninvited assistance all while defeating the evil forces of a formidable alliance between two enemy empires.

This issue includes the first three chapters.

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