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Elaborate Lives

An enemies to Lovers romance in Hollywood

Publisher: CITS
Book type: Novel | Series
Age: Adult
Genre: Romance
Sub Genre: BDSM · Romance
Language: English
Spice Level:

The spice rating is in regards to the type of sexual content within the book. Below is a helpful guide (courtesy of Georgia C Leigh)

1= YA romantic, making out, MAYBE a closed door.
2= some on page foreplay and nudity but mostly fade to black.
3= open door, on page vanilla sex.
4= on page sex – hot or with kink.
5= erotica.

“Elaborate lives is a engrossing tale that pours light on the fact that one has to fight for his favourite role whether in real life or in films. The unique plot and indulging characters makes it more captivating and intriguing from the start till the end. The story revolves around the protagonist Larisa de France-Kahn , the daughter of a model and a famous film producer born to host formal dinners and adorn the arm of a powerful man, but she’s determined to thwart her fate by graduating from her psychiatry residency . She tries to keep her celebrity’s and professional lives seperated. But her life is left upside down when a producer friend of her father sends one of his directors to Larisa for counseling. Quinn Vander Veer might be the greatest filmmaker of his generation, but he’s so insecure he’s turned everyone against him. He comes to Larisa in the middle of a nasty breakup, questions about his sexuality. As Larisa works to tear down Quinn’s walls, she also needs to work against walls of her own, holding them up against her belief that her education has made her unlovable. It is quite intriguing to read how both of them trust each other with their deepest fears and secret desires to cope up. Their rollercoaster ride of elaborating their lives and posing a different image is worth reading. The author has well penned the lives of a celebrity and the hidden desire of a true love. The plot is well depicted with relatable characters in a vivid manner. Overall, the book is a very well written story with relatable characters that also deals with insecurities a lot and the need to be your own person without the influence of others . I am thankful to @katieandbreypa for providing me this book in return of an honest review. Happy Reading!”
– Shifali
In life, as in film, fight for the role you want

Larisa de France-Kahn is the daughter of a model and a famous film producer born to host formal dinners an adorn the arm of a powerful man, but she’s determined to thwart her fate by graduating from her psychiatry residency and practice emergency medicine as an anonymous citizen if only her mother will stop sending her on blind dates with billionaires who would like to make Larisa their trophy wife. The separation between Larisa’s celebrity and professional lives is threatened when a producer friend of her father sends one of his directors to Larisa for counseling.

Quinn VanderVeer might be the greatest filmmaker of his generation, but he’s so insecure he’s turned everyone against him. He comes to Larisa in the middle of a nasty breakup, questions about his sexuality, and mounting pressure on the set of his first big budget production. She could help him if only he would see her as an ally instead of the woman who could reveal him as the imposter he feels he is.

As Larisa works to tear down Quinn’s walls, she also must work against walls of her own, holding them up against her belief that her education has made her unlovable, and her psychiatry skills make her intimidating to men who want to be in control. Together they might become an industry power couple, but first they’ll have to trust each other with their deepest fears and secret desires.

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