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Friendship Love Autism

Communication Challenges and the Autism Diagnosis that Gave Us a New Life Together

Publisher: Independently Published
Year of Publication: 2022
Book type: Non Fiction
Age: Adult
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub Genre: Memoir · Romance · Romantic Comedy
Language: EnglishSpanish
Key Phrases: Autism and Relationships · Autism Spectrum Disorder · high functioning autism · Late diagnosed auitsm · Neurodiverse relationship · Neurodiversity · Romance · Romantic Comedy
” May 1, 2023 This is a beautiful memoir that reads like a rom-com while also being very informative, deeply vulnerable, and practically applicable. I laughed out loud, swooned a bit, and stopped to reread parts aloud to my spouse that were particularly funny or endearing. My dominant emotion cover to cover was delight. Regardless of whether you are neurodivergent or neurotypical, this book will entertain, inform, and inspire you. As someone who primarily reads fiction, I was impressed by how readable this is. It has great structure, pacing, and punchy-ness. Also, it’s just super relatable if you’re a human being navigating any kind of relationship. After reading, I feel like I’m real-life friends with Michelle and Andrew, and I’m ready to invite myself over for game night. They’ve given a gift to us all, and wrapped it up in humor and honesty. I learned a lot and had a swell time doing it! I have family members on the spectrum and this was a helpful way for me to learn more without putting the responsibility on my loved ones to teach me about themselves. Loved this. Highly recommend.”
– Maddie Fisher @kris.and.mads on Booktok
Heartfelt Comedic Romcom that is also Educational

Andrew didn’t realize he might be autistic until his girlfriend, Michelle, approached him about it months into their relationship. No amount of life experience could’ve prepared Michelle for the confusion she felt while dating Andrew, as he was unlike any man she had ever dated before. The thought never dawned on her that she could fall deeply in love with a man who was autistic or that he might be unaware of this, even into his thirties.

Whenever they share their story, they are asked the same three questions:

How did you figure out Andrew was autistic?
How did you approach him about it?
How did you get a diagnosis?

These are all fair questions and have interesting and often comedic answers. In this compelling book, Michelle and Andrew answer these questions and share much more.
You will follow along as their FRIENDSHIP unexpectedly blossoms into a relationship. You will see LOVE flourish among ridiculous twists and turns. They bring you along for the AUTISM diagnosis that allowed them to grow a deeper understanding of each other.
Andrew’s contributions to this book are invaluable as they give insight as to what life is like to be him. Michelle’s humor and authenticity are both unexpected and refreshing.

Come along on this outrageous journey of friendship turned to love on the spectrum.

“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll see numerous people you are close to through a whole new lens! This book is a must-read for people of all ages and walks of life.”

Teresa de Grosbois, #1 International Bestselling Author of Mass Influence

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