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Nest of Ashes

The Phoenix Trilogy: Story of Jane Seymour

Publisher: Independently Published
Year of Publication: 2020
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Historical Fiction
Sub Genre: Dark · Historical Fiction · Suspense
Language: English
POV: First-person
Tense: Past
Key Phrases: Anne Boleyn · Boleyn · Henry VIII · Histfic · Jane Seymour · Seymour · Tudor · Tudor court · Tudors
Spice Level:

The spice rating is in regards to the type of sexual content within the book. Below is a helpful guide (courtesy of Georgia C Leigh)

1= YA romantic, making out, MAYBE a closed door.
2= some on page foreplay and nudity but mostly fade to black.
3= open door, on page vanilla sex.
4= on page sex – hot or with kink.
5= erotica.

“Intricately woven web of facts and fiction – superb”
– Aurora on

October 1537

At a time of most supreme triumph, the moment of her greatest glory, security and power, a Queen of England lies dying.

Through dreams of fever and fantasy, Jane Seymour, third and most beloved wife of King Henry VIII remembers her childhood, the path forged to the Tudor Court; a path forged in flame and ashes. Through the fog of memory, Jane sees herself, a quiet, overlooked girl, who to others seemed pale of face and character, who discovered a terrible secret that one day would rain destruction upon her family.

Nest of Ashes is Book One in The Phoenix Trilogy: Story of Jane Seymour, by G. Lawrence.

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