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Persian Asteroid, The

Publisher: Sparkling Draconic Unicorn Publishing
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Sci-Fi
Sub Genre: Action · Adventure · Humour · Political Thriller · Sci-Fi · Space Fantasy
Language: English
Key Phrases: asteroids · Engineers
“The Persian Asteroid blends science fiction and current world affairs in a really exciting tale. The characters are both believable and admirable, led by strong convictions and compassionate hearts to act with incredible yet credible courage. How often do we see great character development in sci-fi? The author also has a great sense of humor–there’s a joke on nearly every page. There is the gratuitous development of a miraculous propulsion system that is outside our current understanding of physics–a bit unnecessary, although basically every book in the genre has something like it. There is action, disappointment, violence, compassion, faith and transformation. Bottom line: you will definitely enjoy reading this book (unless you are in the Iranian government).”
– Gordon on GoodReads

By the Ayatollah’s orders, an Iranian scientist kidnaps a trio of outer space engineers and is forced to reconcile himself to their optimism and snark as his actions decide the fate of his homeland.

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