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Simple Mold Making

Quick Molding ideas for miniaturists, model makers and animators

Publisher: Sliding Scale Records
Book type: How To | Non Fiction
Age: Adult
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub Genre: Craft Tutorial
Language: English
Key Phrases: Mold Making
” This new book by Angie Scarr is full of beautiful clear photos and lots of great tips for making molds from everyday objects – the false teeth one made me giggle 😆 I’ve made moulds previously for jewellery and miniature work and within the first couple of pages Angie had already taught me a few new techniques and ideas I hadn’t thought of, definitely a must have on your bookshelf if you enjoy crafting 👍🏻”
– Amazon
Simple mold making helps you ‘steal’ from nature ‘borrow’ elements from other unrelated work carry your own ideas through complex iterations and understand and follow copyright rules.

Quick molding ideas for miniaturists , model makers, jewellery artists, potters, cake decorators and, of course, animators. This book shows through the author’s own work, how simple it is to turn ideas into art and never lose a texture, a shape or a ‘thingumybob’ that does just what you want in your design. Using simple two part hand mixable mold material you can ‘steal’ from nature ‘borrow’ elements from other unrelated work carry your own ideas through complex iterations and, of course understand and follow copyright rules. Using molds means you can short cut or concentrate limited modelling skills or you can make the most complex of shapes easily, step-by step.

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