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Strings of Time, The

Publisher: Independently Published
Year of Publication: 2022
Book type: Novel
Age: YA (12-18)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Sub Genre: Action · Adventure · Epic · Epic Fantasy · Fantasy · LGBT · Murder Mystery · Mystery · Mythical Creatures · Urban · Urban Fantasy
Language: English
“This first novel in the Dust Series creates an excellent framework on which to build and expand the universe. With an interesting combination of the familiar and the new, Sid has created a universe both similar enough to our own as to not lose the reader, but also with enough different to keep one entertained. This, coupled with an exciting story, interesting and diverse characters, and enough action to keep even the most fidgety reader in their seats, create a story that’s a struggle to put down.”

Special Agent Nyle Morcroft was about to take a much-needed vacation after closing an arduous case when the Centre for Glyph Control once again swooped in and ruined his plans with a new assignment. What starts out as a simple murder investigation escalates and becomes life-altering. Nyle unexpectedly learns the truth about himself and the world around him as he discovers the unimaginable: someone is using strange glyphs, or symbols, to release an ancient, destructive force that could erase the fabric of reality.

As time quickly runs out for Nyle, he must get to the core of the storm he’s been thrust into and thwart it. Not only does the fate of the world rest on his shoulders, his destiny also awaits him … should he survive the encounter.

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