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Under Fire

The Blitz Diaries of a Volunteer Ambulance Driver

Publisher: Caret Press
Year of Publication: 2021
Book type: Non Fiction
Age: Adult
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub Genre: War
Language: English
POV: First-person
Tense: Past
Key Phrases: air raids · ambulance service · chelsea · diaries and memoirs · home front · london history · mary wesley · socialites · the blitz · wartime artists · women’s history · World War two
“The story telling, full of fascinating social detail, is gently captivating.”
– Amazon review
A gripping account of the hidden impact of war on the home front

The true story of June Spencer, debutante and volunteer ambulance driver in Chelsea during the Blitz, told through her remarkable diaries.

“We would say to each other ‘here it comes’ and would listen to the whining whizz which sounded like it was for us every time.” 8 September 1940

June Spencer volunteers for the London Auxiliary Ambulance Service in Chelsea. Every night she writes up the day’s events in her diary, whether it’s driving in a hail of incendiaries, peeling potatoes for the crews, or loading broken and bleeding victims into her ambulance.

She also records her hectic social life – dining at the Ritz, dancing at the Café de Paris and partying with the artists, writers and aristos in her set. But below the surface is turmoil and heartache: dear friends killed in action, relationships cracking under pressure and a growing dissatisfaction with her role in London.

Using June’s vivid first-hand accounts of life in the thick of the Blitz, Naomi Clifford paints a vivid picture of a young woman navigating the perils of home front life.

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