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Winner Takes All

Harlow Mystery

Publisher: Independently Published
Year of Publication: 2022
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Mystery
Sub Genre: LGBT · Thriller
Language: English
POV: Third-person
Tense: Past
Key Phrases: amateur sleuth · murder mystery

Aubri Harlow thinks she’s found her dream vacation after winning a contest to an exclusive island resort for a whole week. However, her dream quickly turns into a nightmare when her ex-boyfriend Colin, ex-girlfriend Renee, and former university classmate Bastian end up on the same island as fellow contest winners.

Even worse? Colin is found dead barely a day into the vacation. Terrible weather prevents the police from arriving on the island to investigate. To keep herself safe, as well as her other companions, Aubri must find out who the killer is…or risk becoming the next target.

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