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Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales

The Adventures of Viola Stewart

Publisher: Kraken Publishing (self-published)
Book type: Novella | Series | Short Story Collection
Age: Adult
Genre: Mystery
Sub Genre: Alternate History · Gaslamp · Historical Fiction · Steampunk · Victorian
Language: English
“I was deeply reminded of Miss Marple whilst reading this. Not only is Viola Stewart the most unlikely detective, but her wit and her perception are also razor sharp!… Carlisle’s writing style is fast paced and easy going making The Eye of the Beholder a very relaxing read. Costumes and settings are described in lush detail so that one can almost feel the Victorian era seeping from the page. Steampunk elements are scattered subtly throughout which make the writing accessible to whodunit fans that have are not familiar with the Steampunk genre. “
– NOA Rawle –
With her friend Doctor Collins at her side, Viola runs foul of mummies, curses, and murder. But this time the threat of Bedlam looms…

Viola is detectiving again, chasing secret societies and nefarious plots.
With Doctor Henry Collins at her side, Viola runs foul of mummies and a murder mystery with a twist.
Is she cursed? Is she going slowly insane? Or has she stumbled into yet another plot of the infamous Men in Grey – a secret society set on taking over the Empire?
With the threat of Bedlam looming over her, she must solve the mystery before it is too late.

Three short stories and a novella.

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