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Mrs Hudson Investigates

A Short Holmesian Mystery

Publisher: Kraken Publishing
Year of Publication: 2022
Book type: Series | Short Story
Age: YA (12-18)
Genre: Mystery
Sub Genre: Alternate History · Cosy/Cozy · Historical Fiction · Victorian
Language: English
“If you enjoy short stories to fill up an hour or so this is the Holmesian mystery for you. Loved it…”
– Heather Van Amstel (Goodreads)
We all know the stories. A mystery. A brilliant detective. Mystery solved. But what if he went missing? Who would solve them?

A secret communique from the the French government has been stolen. Holmes has been engaged to find the thief to prevent the message falling into the wrong hands, but he’s nowhere to be found and Dr Watson is off to find him. So, it’s up to Mrs Hudson to investigate.

With the help of Mary Watson, Mrs Hudson proves she is just as canny as the Great Detective. I mean, what can’t a woman do if she puts her mind to it?

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