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How to Stroke Your Stray

A June Nash Mystery

Publisher: Melissa Banczak
Year of Publication: 2023
Book type: Novel | Series
Age: Adult
Genre: Mystery
Sub Genre: Cosy/Cozy · Humour · Murder Mystery · Mystery
Language: English
POV: First-person
Tense: Past
Key Phrases: arch nemesis · dog sidekick
” I laughed so much while reading it and that’s all right unless you are in a doctor’s office waiting for an appointment to start!!”
– Wendy in an Amazon Review

Fate has a wicked sense of humor. 

For June Nash, Las Vegas is the break she needs from her brother’s book tour. Slots, crab legs, and two days out from under her mother’s disappointed gaze.

Then she accidentally volunteers to solve a murder.

Now, she’s saddled with a stray dog named Enzo, under attack from the glitter happy Unicorn Protector League, and in the crosshairs of two blasts from the past.

When is she going to learn? Keep your head down, your mouth shut, and never, ever, say yes to anything after you trip over a dead body.

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