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Mark of the Indicative

The Dirythian Dandelion Series

Publisher: Variia Press
Year of Publication: 2024
Book type: Novel | Series
Age: New Adult (16+)
Genre: Fantasy
Sub Genre: Action · Adventure · Epic Fantasy · Fantasy · LGBT · Mythical Creatures · Sword & Sorcery
Language: English
POV: Third-person
Tense: Past
“What a beautiful debut! Mark of the Indicative is such a good story, with fantastic world building and lore. The magic system is unique and interesting. The FMC is strong, not afraid to stand up for herself and to do what she knows is right. There is mystery, intrigue, diversity, found family, and the cutest yet scariest magical creature familiar I’ve ever read. “
– Cara Blaine
Tragic fantasy adventure filled with action, magic and hints of romance soon to come

Raelia was born with the outlawed Indicative Mark, and almost 18 years later, hiding it from the world is habit. As her 18th birthday approaches–the age at which Mark Bearers come into their powers–her father encourages her to accept her Mark as part of herself and her lineage. Instead, Raelia continues to hope that the gift of magic it represents will never manifest. She would rather spend time with her best friend or taking care of her horses than think about the one thing that marks her as different, or other– and possibly dangerous.
As her birthday looms, tragedy of unimaginable proportions strikes her town. With the aid of a mysterious stranger, Raelia is forced to flee her home and everything familiar. She eventually finds herself in a hidden place where her Mark isn’t shameful, but is instead a sign of status and power. As she embarks on the task of learning how to use her magic, she makes both friends and enemies in this new world, where everything is most definitely not as it seems. Over time, Raelia uncovers disturbing clues regarding the reality of her sanctuary. Will she be able to discern the truth in time to save those she holds most dear?
In this first book of the Dirythian Dandelion new adult fantasy series, Raelia commences her coming-of-age journey, full of danger, adventure, magic, friendship, betrayal–and a hint of romance still to come.

Spotify Playlist

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