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This is How He Collects Them

Publisher: Independently Published
Year of Publication: 2023
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Horror
Sub Genre: Dark · Psychological · Supernatural
Language: English
Key Phrases: crows · darkness · evil entity · hell’s gate · nightmares · pentagram · portal to hell · supernatural abilities · trapped
Beware the Darkness

Beware the Darkness

A series of haunting nightmares draws five former residents of a New York City high-rise back to their one-time home. But this is not a reunion. These five strangers have never met. But they are connected.The depressed photographer with telekinetic abilities … the paralegal who reads evil thoughts of strangers … the struggling author who can predict dark futures … the malicious hypnotist … the witch’s daughter …

They have met in their dreams, and they have observed the shadows who follow them until they awaken. Now they want answers. And when the five board the same elevator at the same time, an ominous reality surfaces. They did not return on their own. They were drawn back. Drawn by their nightmares. Drawn by darkness.

Drawn … to be collected.

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