Randeletta Howson

Randeletta Howson was born and raised in Leicester, United Kingdom. Bright Halo is her debut book series. She attended De Montfort University and has a Bachelor’s degrees in Creative Writing and Drama. She also has studied a Master’s degrees in Creative Writing. When she is not writing, reading or getting lost in her imagination, she enjoys video games, dancing, singing, reading, kdramas, kpop, shopping, tarot and cooking. She embarked on her self-publishing writing journey in February 2022 when she was twenty-seven years old, and this is only the beginning. She first got the idea for the Bright Halo series when she was sixteen years old and can finally share her magical, wild story world. You can find her at: www.brighthalobook.co.uk or @BrightHaloBook on Twitter, Instagram & TikTok.
