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Tarot Princess Episode One: Starry Escape

Publisher: Bright Halo Book Publishing
Book type: Novella
Age: YA (12-18)
Genre: Fantasy
Sub Genre: Fantasy · Mystery · Romance · Romantic Fantasy · Supernatural · Suspense · Sword & Sorcery
Language: English
Key Phrases: arranged marriage · ghosts · king · love triange · magic · oracle · prince · princess · queen · royalty · runaway · secrets · spells · spirtual · tarot · unknown killer · visions
“This was really up my alley. I loved every second of it. The character and world building was amazingly done, and I love how fast paced this book is. You get sucked into the world of princess Mina right away, and the writing was done in a way that you start to question every single character (what I absolutely love). The tension and the mystery is amazing in this book and I cannot wait to read more about the story of the princess that wants to find the truth !”
– Amber Oosterman
She has all the cards, but not all the answers.

She has all the cards, but not all the answers.

Blurb: Princess Mina is set to marry Prince Aston and become the future queen. Nevertheless, her true wish is to follow in her mother’s footsteps to become a tarot reader and heal the world outside. But witchcraft is forbidden in the kingdom by her father, and she isn’t permitted to leave the castle. On the anniversary of her mother’s death, Princess Mina is visited by her mother’s ghost and is told a shocking secret. Will Princess Mina obey her royal duties and marriage, or will she risk it all for magic and truth?

Tarot Princess is an episodic Young Adult Fantasy book series with tarot, royalty, mystery, and romance.
(approx. 20k per episode).

Episode One – 23rd May 2023 (OUT NOW!)
Episode Two – 28th August 2023 (COMING SOON!)

Upcoming Episodes are currently under development.

Please look forward to it!

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