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Girl from Pompey, The

Bloodshed in the Hampshire Cabin

Publisher: Bryony Best
Book type: Novel
Age: Adult
Genre: Thriller
Sub Genre: Mystery
Language: English
Key Phrases: Alcoholic · Blood · Cabin · Death · Friendships · Hampshire · Mental-health · Murder · Mystery · Plot-Twists · Portsmouth · Shocking · Spiritualism · Stalker · Suspense · Trauma · Unpredictable
Can Bryony overcome her next challenge in life, while being surrounded by liars, stalkers and friends who harbour dark secrets?

Bryony has already experienced a life of trauma and addiction, surviving a dark past after battling her demons through mental illness. Will Bryony be able to overcome her next psychological challenged in life, while being surrounded by stalkers and friends who harbour dark secrets?
Prepare for suspense, shock and thrills as Bryony shares another segment of her twisted past. A gripping and engrossing story of love and betrayal, revealing the chilling truth of a complex story between a group of ordinary friends.
A weekend away in a cabin with six of her closest friends, what could possibly go wrong?

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