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Graveyard Shift, The

Publisher: DWA
Year of Publication: 2023
Book type: Novella
Age: Adult
Genre: Horror
Sub Genre: Action · Adventure · Dark · Dark Fantasy · Fantasy · Horror · Mythical Creatures · Paranormal · Supernatural · Thriller · Time Travel · Western
Language: English
POV: First-person
Tense: Past
“I try not to drop spoilers, so I’ll just say read it :)”
– Alexia Muelle-Rushbrook, author of They Call Me Angel
Same shift… different day.

The town of Crossroads. 1886.

Reginald T. Fox is the town’s resident gravedigger. He’s their only gravedigger.

But when he gets into an altercation with the Sheriff, he decides to head for the grander location of San Francisco. Reginald is given a job on the cemetery maintenance team which is a big city phrase for gravedigger, by the person in charge of such things – Samuel Seacroft. He is even given his own room in a building designated for city workers.

However, when he enters his room and discovers multiple bodies in various states of decomposition, he realises he was targeted by Seacroft to fulfilll this job, and Reginald’s new boss doesn’t just harbour a secret of his own, but knows all about Reginald’s bloody past.

When Reginald makes a break for it one night and returns to Crossroads to pick up where he left off, death follows him and he ends up in one of his own freshly dug graves. Can the spirits of the Graveyard Shift help him escape alive and take his revenge, or will he be consigned to work every night for the rest of existence?

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