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Return to the Dark Corner

Publisher: DWA
Year of Publication: 2021
Book type: Short Story Collection
Age: Adult
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Sub Genre: Dark · Dark Fantasy · Horror · Mystery · Paranormal · Sci-Fi · Slasher · Supernatural · Thriller
Language: English
POV: First-person, Third-person
Tense: Past
“Good worldbuilding! Whenever I spot a link between the stories, it’s exciting, and lets the reader connect the dots. Fabulous!”
– C.L. Adams, author of Barely Thoughts
Welcome back to the darkest corner of the library…

Something has drawn you back to this shared universe of terrifying tales, and this time round they are longer, darker, bloodier and more disturbing than before.

Learn the beginnings of previous characters, meet new creatures, and face some of your worst fears as these 12 short stories build to a climax to prepare you for what comes next.

Cling on to your sanity as these tales test your strength with the likes of vampires, ghosts, killers and entities along with a few surprises, where as usual not everything is quite as it seems.

Take your seat in the Dark Corner once again… if you dare.

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